What is strength to you? What is nutrition? Who could we be and what could we do if we replaced one unhealthy habit a day with a healthy one? What could every day life feel like for us if our physical well-being and our mentality towards it shifted to become just as vital to us as having a family or having a means to earn a living? These questions and many more are what you can expect to be posed forth during every single one of my sessions. We need to enrich our mentality, our outlook on life and how it relates specifically to our bodies; not just learn exercises and practice technique. I look at each meeting as a chance not only to help you understand how to give your body what it needs, but to do what so many in the health and fitness industry fail to do; inquire, truly challenge and provoke thought, while showing clients not only how to measure the answers to those questions, but teaching the WHY behind the answers to them. In a world where the average individual has lost touch with what it really means to experience body awareness, to understand our true needs, and the consequences if we don’t, we need more out of a trainer than someone to show us what correct form is. I am here to not only inspire and motivate you to take your wellbeing to a level you never thought you could enjoy regardless of your background; but to educate you, empower you, teach you the fundamentals necessary to attain that higher sense of a mind-body correlation and maintain it your lifetime through. What would it mean to you to hit a specific fitness related goal for the first time in your life, ever…. But have the power and knowledge to hit it again and again, in case unforeseeable circumstances in life force you off track? What if you took it a step further, and became inspired to keep setting that goal higher and higher, allowing you to be capable of more you ever previously thought possible for yourself? My life-long holistic approach to healthy living and various backgrounds in sport, combined with an ongoing mentorship alongside one of the world’s most innovative clinical physiologists are sure to provide you with a training experience unlike any other.

Often it is assumed the answer to the goal you’ve always wanted far exceeds what you feel your finances will allow; please don’t make the mistake of not booking your consultation based on this all too common assumption. My passion and specialty is in empowering the average individual to achieve an above average physicality, and I will always do whatever is possible to create a solution that is financially feasible for those who need it. Too often, we choose to invest in home renovation, fashion apparel and accessories, or insurance coverage as priorities above avenues of taking care of your physical bodies. We must remember, we only get one, and we have to live in it for our life-time through… what could possibly be more important than properly maintaining it! We make our habits, and our habits make us. The road to the physicality you have always wanted may be long… there are no quick fixes… but we can’t bring about sustainable change in ourselves merely to fit into a specific clothing size or compete in a one-time event. We must adjust our mentality to fit what really matters; having true balance in our life that is long-lasting, and being inspired to provide everything our bodies need to give us the best physical experience possible.

We have to accept that few things truly worth having ever come easily. In order to work through the hindrances and imbalances that prevent us from doing all we want to do, sometimes we must train with routines that aren’t always “fun” but are necessary stepping stones in getting where you physically want to be. I create workouts that will segway you through those difficult phases of transition we struggle so hard to conquer on our own; teaching how to eliminate weaknesses, build true balance, and acquire measureable strength, all of which will spark within you an inner presence and vitality that wouldn’t be attainable otherwise. Believe me, the word “fun” as it pertains to something physical truly gets redefined when we can freely move without any inhibition, weakness or hindrance!

Still wondering what benefit there is to investing in your health right now, still wondering why it could be so important to have the capacity to do better all that you need and want to do? Consider this. Our bodies talk to us every single day through signs and symptoms, none of us are an exception to this rule; but too many of us learn to ignore the messages, or simply don’t understand what is being said. “You can ignore reality, but you can’t ignore the inevitable consequences of ignoring reality”. All of us take sound physicality for granted to some extent until the day comes it when it has been compromised. Too many people today deny their bodies of what it needs, and realize too late how they could have benefited from building a more translative relationship between what their body needs and what they expect from it after some measure of health has been taken away. Don’t wait until you have something to regret. Learn to be a translator and mediator between what you want out of life and what a true measure of health can do for you; find out today how good it can really feel to live in the home that is your body. No matter how healthy you think you are… there is always a higher level… let me empower you to reach it!

Phew! Hopefully I’ve got your attention; so please, take one step further, reach out and contact me to schedule a complimentary consultation… it will only require one hour of your time, and I guarantee that whether we embark on your health strategy or not, you will come away from our meeting with an enhanced perspective on what it really means to be healthy, as well as learn about innovative options to attain a higher standard of physical well being that you may never have considered before. So feel free to email or call with any inquiries or to arrange our meeting, and together we’ll discover where your road to a better physicality will begin. One step at a time… one foot in front of the other.