Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Train or Be Trained Debut

I have the wonderful privilege of being featured on a new segment in Train or Be Trained, an amazing online compilation of the experiential knowledge, insights, and garnered fitness related wisdom of the most highly recommended personal trainers and wellness professionals in the Toronto and surrounding area. It's an honor to become affiliated with this fitness education and awareness phenomenon because it has a reputation for providing the most tried, tested and true perspectives on what to do and what not to do when pursuing your optimal measure of health and wellness. There's a little something for everyone in the Train or Be Trained archives... and now, a sneak peak into my philosophy and feeling behind what I do and why is a part of it!
Check out my segment by clicking the link below, hope you enjoy.... please share with all who could relate to my message!
A nice mix of passion, theoretical & applied foundational knowledge,
true care & concern for individuals, a strong desire to teach & empower,
and seasoned with a dollop of professionalism...
this is what we look for when it comes to personal trainers..
…just think, if they manage to possess these traits early in their career-
It will be truly something to see how they flourish in future!
TOBT- we created it to bring forth various measures to add to your health, fitness, & well-being!!

Monday, November 21, 2011

To my future students in the pursuit of sound and balanced health

Again I return to the confines of this blog to share with whomever may stumble across it the meaning behind the True Measures name. Today I hope to reveal more about my passion and what sets me apart from others one might encounter in my field.
 I truly care about the welfare of others. Every single human life is precious beyond all expression. What I want from life is to succeed in the endeavor of empowering people to reach their fitness goals and beyond, to manage a balanced lifestyle, for others to become inspired to CHANGE all about ones habits and choices they have deemed need changing. I believe a balanced mind and body is a gift that everyone should carry the esteem to give to themselves, and my ultimate goal is to help make it as accessible as possible to those who may have convinced themselves they can't have it, aren't worth it, don't need or want it, or can't feasibly afford it. Sometimes all one needs is a little spark to light the flame of value in the pursuit of feeling the best physically that you can...
As you come to appreciate true mind-body awareness and gain a higher sense of it; how you eat, how you move throughout your day to day activities; the taste of it is something rarely forgotten. We all remember a time in our lives where at one point we felt really good. If it didn't last... it doesn't mean it wasn't meant to... it just means the daily choices you made to attain it at the time didn't make it far enough into the forefront of your consciousness to allow you to keep making it a priority. Whatever the reason we decide to value our physical wellbeing - injury - weight gain - lack of energy - unhappiness toward outside appearance - this aspect does not matter as much as just finding enough motivation to get started. Making the decision and following through with it with all the initial phases that follow suit is the hardest part of the battle. It only gets easier after a certain point, and the physicality you begin to attain will be valuable enough to you to motivate you to maintain it all on it's own. Timelines for reaching that stage vary between person to person.... there are many highs and lows to encounter until it is has been reached.... we are all human and need to remember this kind of struggle is not only something we all go through at some point, even the most motivated of us.... it is be expected.
That is what I am here for. To take you through all those preliminary stages where most come partway through, and invariably give up and fall off the path because of frustration, not knowing what to do next, or losing the motivation that was keeping them going. So often we decide to let go of our efforts when that feeling of success or progress was in reality just around the corner. We need to remember that nothing truly worth having ever came easily; each individual workout, each and every time you choose to move your body for the good of your health and well-being, is a stepping stone toward that day where the choice and execution become almost effortless. Foundational building is what I teach, and it is the key to making the difference between getting fit for a period of a few months then falling off the wagon for a year or more -- and staying on track permanently, without ever looking back, for the rest of your life. It takes time to pull off the control and strength necessary to train at a high level... most have expectations for miracles overnight... if this was the way of things, health would not be such a profound issue in our society today! Progression must be taken one workout at a time, always with holistic and long-term benefits in mind.
I view my role as a trainer very simply. I am not here to give orders and get people to just "do". I am an educator, a teacher molded by my own experience and the experiences of many many others I have helped, here to empower those who want the fundamental knowledge and motivation to "do" for themselves, as well as show them the why behind what they are learning to do. When I train with people, I consider it a goal with every client to help them develop independence in their ability to train through educating them in each session. I make it a priority to have them walk away from as many workouts as possible having been made more educated about their body and how to make the most of using it by doing as little harm as possible in the process. I strive to hold my clients accountable to the knowledge I am passing on so it will stay with them not just for the term they train with me, but for ever on afterwards. There is no use investing in someone who doesn't want to help enhance what you know so you can continue to grow and build upon all you are learning. A client deserves their trainers complete care, attention and focus; and a trainer deserves to aspire to work only with those who have a true desire to make a change from within, those who want to hold themselves accountable for their own success, and merely need someone to show them the way they can effectively do so. There are no quick fixes and no one can do the work for you... I am here to provide the tools you need, the modifications necessary to be made along the way....but you must be hungry to put them to use.

If there is anything in particular I wish to convey as a result of what I have learned as part of the priviledge of working with all the special people that I is the message that anyone, at any time in their life, can embark on the path to a building a better body for living in; it is never too late. Muscles do not know age. Only the limits you put upon yourself in your own mind can stop you from achieving success, not only in the endeavor of making a physiological transformation, but in anything in life. If you want to inherit a new lifestyle dedicated to being healthy, strong, and capable of doing everything you wish to do for as long as you are alive.... step out on a limb, make a new set of priorities.... challenge yourself.... choose a worthy mentor of such a way of living.... and make the choice to live well, permanently. To have the best of health truly defines the term wealth.
I am here, ready and waiting... and truly honored at every opportunity to be a part of that journey in someone's life.
"As within, so without"
Come on people.......... let's build!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

To Medicate, or NOT to Medicate... that is the question

Think taking a pharmaceutical drug is the answer? Think again... no matter what the affliction, psychological, internal, or orthopedic... have you explored every avenue and every choice available to you to address the affliction from a naturalistic standpoint... what you could eat, what you could physically do, that might help, BEFORE resorting to medication of some sort.... ALWAYS DO YOUR HOMEWORK FIRST!

Friday, July 22, 2011


So... to help kick off some awareness about my venture and gain the chance at an eager new case study... I am offering a contest, fueled through my True Measures facebook page. Post on that page what you feel is your true measure of health; "like" my page; and whoever provides the answer I like best, will earn themselves three complimentary sessions with me. You must reside in the Ancaster, Hamilton, Waterdown, Burlington or Dundas areas to qualify! Please visit facebook True Measures and share your post today! The contest winner will be decided once 15 posts are up.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Enjoy the silence

When was the last time you decided to get through your day without music... without television... without any of the cacophony that plagues our society in all corners of our daily consciousness? Do you ever find yourself wishing your mind was just a little less cluttered? So often I find myself wanting to turn electronics off , just so I can tune in... to myself. We are so plagued with mediums of advertising and marketing in so many facets of every day life, we all seem to have become experts at "tuning out"; however, it's resulting in a numbing of our minds, a desensitization of our conscious stream of thought. Whether we find the insight to realize it or not, in today's world, our heads are getting so cluttered up with mainstream junk that many of us have either forgotten how or simply don't remember why to enjoy the silence from time to time; but more importantly, listen carefully for some very important messages... the ones our physical bodies are sending us! Every minute of every day, your body speaks to you in one way, shape or form through sensations of various kinds. Everything from severe hunger pangs, to lightheadedness, stiffness in a particular joint or muscle, or intense fatigue or drowsiness, has a message for us coming straight from our physical selves, just begging to be heard and addressed. Too often, we are too busy or too preoccupied to take action when our body actually needs it. There are very few ailments that creep up on us without a warning of some manner. Our bodies can only speak to us in two mediums... signs and symptoms. The problem is, we have become so good at ignoring our own bodies' communication signals that we don't address our signs and symptoms until they manifest themselves into full blown temper tantrums; and by then, great damage is often done, and to some extent is sometimes permanent. We learn a lesson from our physical suffering... but we often learn it far too late.
We need to reestablish a connection with ourselves. Not just our minds... but our physical bodies. There is a lack of understanding of the impact  fostering small daily habits geared to better exercise and nutrition could have on us; habits that if made a priority, could alleviate a host of complaints your body has affecting various aspects of your lifestyle every single day. When was the last time you sat down and thought about what some of them are? When was the last time you asked your body... what can I  or should I do for YOU today?
This is where your local health and fitness professionals step in; the mediators between what your body actually needs, what you want out of your body, as well as your every day life. If these words are stirring chords of truth within you, don't let them resonate into inactivity as they have done many times before.  Make your physical body... your true home that you dwell in wherever you go regardless of what happens... the TOP priority for once. Start out for just a week. A month. 6 months. Pick one aspect of your health to improve on and do so; when it is up to par, move on to another. Our biggest excuses for neglecting ourselves are often some of the biggest reasons we should bring about a change.
It starts with one question... if you were at your absolute physical best... how would life be different... how would it be better? I post this today as a challenge to all reading to just shut off that radio or television for however long is necessary... and see where that question takes you!

Friday, July 15, 2011

F L E X ibility!

When is the last time you were concerned with how flexible you are overall? Ever wondered how your every day life could improve if you had complete, all-around, unhindered range of motion? Why settle for feeling less than your absolute best? Only 5 minutes, twice daily, is all it takes to uncover the best of what your body can do to help you move fluidly, without effort. If you don't think you need to be concerned about stretching, think again... there is a whole new quality of daily living you can't even begin to imagine you are missing that a few simple stretches targeting the upper, mid and lower back can reveal to you... and more.
The best part is... I include an introduction to these fascinating stretching secrets as part of my complimentary consultation, so if you haven't already, contact me to garner the tools you'll need to complete the first crucial steps on your path to a higher functioning physicality.
Happy Stretching! :D

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Visit my new "Words to inspire, words to live by" page; uplifting messages will be added daily!

~Today, I am fortunate to have woken up, I am alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it. I am going to use all my energies to develop myself, to expand my heart outward and have kind thoughts towards others, and to benefit others as much as I can~

Sunday, July 10, 2011