Friday, September 13, 2013

I'm looking for people...

Human beings are social creatures, and extremely affected by the individuals who surround them in their lives... family members, relatives, friends, coworkers, neighbours, peers. We all know the old adage, "you are who you hang around with". I happen to believe this statement to be very true. The moods, habits, lifestyles, attitudes, and outlooks of the people we spend the most time with have a profound effect on our choices and abilities to be ourselves, or be who others would like us to be; to resonate in general with a more positive outlook instead of a negative one, regardless of the situation; to be in a state of growth, adaptation and to strive to be better for everything that we go through, instead of going months or years without really having changed for the better at all. It is important to me to hold on to those individuals who are a positive influence in my life and in my inner circle, but it is even MORE important to know how to attract positive people to me as I go along as well; for diversity in the realm of positive influence can serve to help me be a diversely positive person who is relatable and open to anyone who has the right attitude. Today I write a little bit about the type of individuals that I am looking for; the kind of people I could say I am proud to have contact with and to know.
I'm looking for people who have a DREAM, and who are active and willing to take steps to make their dreams a reality. I'm looking for people who know that no matter who you are and what you do, every single day you need to have a drive to build yourself, and maintain the ability to stretch your mind past whatever it is you currently believe. I seek those who seek opportunities in everything! I am looking for people who care more about learning than about arguing, who strive to enlighten others instead of just prove a point. I am looking for people who strive to live every single day with purpose, and to strive to learn how to stay in love with every single moment, if they haven't already figured out how to do it :) I am looking for people who are inspired, and if they aren't inspired yet, I am looking for those who are INSPIRABLE. People who are capable of making their cup so full every day that they could die tomorrow and they wouldn't have regrets because they always strove to make each moment count for so much. I am looking for people who aren't afraid of a little bit of dedication, hard work, and discipline to succeed, people who don't have the word "quit" in their vocabulary when it comes to things that matter. I am looking for people who can distinguish between the things that matter most in life, and the things that really don't. I am looking for people who are sincere in their offerings. I am looking for people that SMILE. I am looking for people that say, I want to be with you for WHO YOU ARE, not for what you have. I'm looking for people who aren't afraid to take responsibility for things when they should. I am looking for people who know that a positive attitude counts EVERYWHERE, not just in certain places. I care more about the people who show how much they care, instead of just showing how much they know. I am looking for people who's word is their worth and their worth is their word. I am looking for people who can laugh at anything! Who get giddy when situations get crazy, who can laugh at the most challenging of circumstances in life, and who know that sometimes you get a little messed up before you can step up. I am looking for people who have the ability to be an insincere pleasant person if that's what it takes not to be a sincere grump! I am looking for people who are willing to get out of their comfort zone, who have something of worth to say and the courage to say it. I am looking for people who aren't doing the people watching... but are one of the people doing something worthy of watching. I'm looking for people who say age is just a number, who don't put limitations on themselves or others because of phrases like "too young" or "too old". Muscles don't know age and our minds don't have to either... I am looking for people who are capable of finding a treasure in anyone they meet... people who know that every person, in one way shape or form, has redeeming qualities. I am looking for people who bring out the best qualities in others instead of their worst. I am looking for people who know that no single person is too small or too insignificant to make a difference in the rest of the world, who understand that our consciousness as human beings CAN and WILL affect our material reality, that all change stems from those who believe it can come and not from people saying "can't" "wont" "never" "impossible". I am looking for people who have long-term vision and are invested in growth for the long haul, who understand that life is a lot more like a marathon than a sprint, that in this marathon, it's what you invest your time, energy and habits into EVERY SINGLE DAY that counts the most. I am looking for people who are capable of TRUE LOVE... people who choose to be at their best even when other people around them are not at their best. I am looking for people who have ENTHUSIASM! So much of life is made better by a little spice, pizazz, pinache... it's so much easier to spend time with people who are excited about something.... anything. I am looking for people who understand we can't all change overnight, but we can change direction overnight... I'm looking for people who can reset their compass when they need to and stay on the right path regardless of what life throws at them. We all step off the path of our calling once in a while, but what matters most is that the stepping back onto it, happens. I am looking for people who deal more in possibilities than frustrations, who hand out pathways, not obstacles; both to themselves and others. I am looking for people who want to drive, not be driven. I am looking for people of sound mentality, who are comfortable in their own skin despite being less than perfect, who work at being healthy because it is healthy and wholesome to do so, who look at their reflection in the mirror and love what's UNDERNEATH it more, who cherish other people from the inside-out, not the outside-in. I am looking for people who look forward to life, no matter WHAT it has in store for them, because they foster the belief that they will always be made better for everything that happens.... even if someone else harms them, purposefully or not, they're BETTER for it...  when they have to step up and be selfless without gaining anything in return, they're BETTER for it.... when they get sick or injured and face what are seemingly insurmountable odds, they tackle them and come out BETTER for it... yes... I am looking for people who know that whatever will come, both good and bad, will pass.... and regardless of struggles or successes.... they always remain BETTER for it.

It has been said growth is the only evidence of life. I know that I do not have all or perhaps even half of the qualities listed above.... but.... I'm working on it. So long as you can resonate with, embrace, cherish, and strive for that listed above, and be willing to work on whatever remains, and even go beyond.... if you need a friend.... there will always be a seat for you alongside me :)


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