~Goals. There's no telling what you can do when you get inspired by them. There's no telling what you can do when you believe in them. And there's no telling what will happen when you act upon them.~

~If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse.~

~Habits have tremendous gravity pull. Like any natural force, gravity pull can work with us or against us. The gravity pull of some of our habits may currently be keeping us from going where we want to go. Breaking deeply imbedded habitual tendencies such as procrastination, laziness, impatience, being overly critical, or selfishness that violate basic principles of human effectiveness involves more than a little will power and a few minor changes in our lives. It takes tremendous effort to break free from the gravity pull of such habits but once we do, our freedom takes on a whole new dimension. Change... REAL change... comes from the inside out. It comes from striking at the root. It is the fabric of our thought, the fundamental, essential paradigms which give definition to our character and create the lens through which we see the world.~

~When it is obvious that a goal cannot be reached, don't adjust the goal; adjust the action steps.~

~Be a possibilitarian. No matter how dark things seem to be or actually are, raise your sights and see the possibilities; always see them, for they are always there.~

~Knowing is not enough, you must apply; willing is not enough, you must do.~

~ACTION is a great restorer and builder of confidence. Inaction is not only the result of fear, but the cause. Perhaps the action you take will be successful; perhaps different action or adjustments will have to follow. Just remember that any action is better than no action at all.~

~Don't wish for less problems; acquire better skills. Don't wish it was easier; make yourself better. Don't wish for less challenges; look for more wisdom.~

~If you physically train for body image, how will you stay motivated once your image is "satisfactory" to you? There will come a day when your image will seem meaningless in comparison to how you feel, and how well your body functions. Train in the pursuit of optimal health, fitness, mental and physical wellbeing... those are things worth training for your lifetime through.~

~There are endless reasons regarding WHY you should embark on a regular exercise regimen and invest time into making sure your health is optimal. Your motivating factor could stem from desire for improved image... to become better at sports... the list could go on and on.
Whatever motivates you people... do something to take care of yourself out of DESIRE and INSPIRATION to feel well and live to your fullest potential - DON'T let it be out of NECESSITY to regain something that has been lost because of neglect!~

~Don't be a blind follower. Be a student of anything you deem is worthy, something you find true resonance with. It's so important to associate with others who are of like mind, but who also challenge your intellect and perception... don't choose to argue...choose to grow~

~We are, all of us, exactly where we are supposed to be, at exactly the right time, all the time, every moment of every day. All people, things, and events have a reason to be in your life. They all have a purpose to serve. And, yes, there is also free will, the gift of choice. Our choices lie in whether or not we choose to make something of or take something from each experience, in each and every single passing moment that we breathe~

~When your health suffers, those who care about you suffer too~

~Eat well. As within, so without... your energy, how you feel throughout the day, your general kinetic output..... will always be reflected by what fuel you are putting IN! Choose wisely most of the time, and you won't have to stress about the few times you purposefully "choose unwisely"~

~What we preach or teach in hopes of guiding others will never prove as growth enhancing as challenging others to learn to THINK, so they may have the tools and capacity grow, and guide themselves~

~Sometimes we are challenged to believe in ourselves when no one else does, sometimes we have to work on ourselves ESPECIALLY when no one else even knows. Believe, rely on, and invest in you... be a light to others... but ALWAYS be a light to yourself. How can you help others if you won't help you?~

~We will never meet anyone who will give us more inner turmoil than we inflict upon ourselves. Take the time to really think about what you are perpetuating, what you are holding onto, that is truly closing you off and holding you back... In regards to anything, or everything. Realization of this is honestly THE hardest part. Once you see what stones you are carrying... All that remains... Is to let them go~

~Mistakes... there are some we may wish we hadn't made... just remember, no matter how "bad" it was, we will always be made better for it, so long as we take something positive away with us. Don't think of them so much as missteps, as opportunities for more growth and a higher betterment as you step forward~

~Nothing is permanent, everything is in motion, every moment, every day... and every small measure of effort in the direction of good health compounds over time, always gaining momentum... keep striving, keep adding to that. The sweetest of fruit is not grown overnight ... it is cultivated over time, with energy, effort and care! Let go of unrealistic short term expectations, embrace the natural order of things, and enjoy bringing it all about in due process... live in each now for as many consecutive moments you possibly can... for when you do, life will take on a whole new meaning~

~The happiest people are not the ones who have everything, but those who make the best of everything they have. Whatever you can't control about an aspect of your health... accept it... and focus on all that which you DO have control over by nurturing it to its highest good~

~Muscular FoUnDaTiOn... building it well, and building it strong... there's just nothing like it. This also goes for acquiring and building foundational knowledge. If presented with a test in life which drives to the core the questions... "should I try this, can I REALLY handle this?" ...the solidity of the base upon which your knowledge stands will reveal the answer. You would be amazed what monuments you can build when tried and tested universal truths are cemented through and through. Step up with faith and without fear... build sky high~

~The time it really takes to transform yourself, physically, from the inside out.... Depends on how long you've been living the opposite. Few things REALLY worthwhile ever came easily. It takes determination. It takes an appeasible consistency. It takes the knowledge and embracing of the fact this is not some fly by night short term goal, this is a permanent lifestyle change you will not give up on, and maintain until the end. I will never tell you its going to be easy.... But I promise you it will be worthwhile~

~We all hang in the BALANCE. Life revolves around our ability to maintain this concept, and correct ourselves when we are out of it. It pertains very intimately with the consistency of our health and wellness approaches. When an area is tight, work on measures of flexibility and range of motion. Where you are weak, build until you are not. What you are nutritionally lacking, simply make it so. Each answer will always be relative to what we are missing... or have an over-abundance of... and it will always be unique to YOU.
Assessment and observation of our body's individual needs... and the ability to translate those needs into correct actions to take... these are truly our most powerful of tools~

~Imagination travels according to habit. Awake or asleep, our imagination is constrained to follow certain definite patterns. It is this benumbing influence of habit that we must change. If we do not, our dreams will fade under the paralysis of custom~

~Become your OWN authority. Discover how to become this authority by trusting yourselves and by questioning what you are told, particularly from your governments, HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS, school systems, television and newspapers. Read between the lines. Learn to think critically. You were given intuition for a reason... marry what it tells you with critical thought... your own TRUE instincts will never steer you wrong~

~Work with the self and you will change the world. Love yourself and you will change the world. Ask that you be shown the way. Call for guidance. Call for assistance. Allow yourself to surrender to the highest good that your self can manifest. And then release and forgive~

~Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe, and enthusiastically act upon must inevitably come to pass.
It just takes energy and focus. You can't trick yourself into wanting something. When you are ready to go for it... you will... your efforts toward it will snowball and gain momentum... when you reach this point whatever you are trying to bring about will have no choice but to manifest itself... just remember to be SPECIFIC about what you are manifesting! Sometimes we get what we want in unexpected, roundabout way~

~Make this moment count. In my experience... the cost of regret far exceeds the price of discipline~

~Deal in possibilities, not frustrations. Teach pathways, not obstacles. Are you driving, or being driven? Take the reins! Before your ship can come in... you gotta send a few out~

~The person who can read, but never does, is no further ahead than the person who can't read at all. What is knowledge, education, understanding, and tools as they pertain to these things, if they are not used.... or not used properly? If they are collecting dust, they might as well not exist. USE the tools and resources you have gained through study and through experience; call upon them relentlessly until they become habit, until they are a part of your very nature. This is the mastery of growth. Experience -:- learn -:- Embrace & Evolve~

~Never save for later what can and should be done NOW. Sometimes later never comes~

~We should never, ever, pass judgement. I know as much as anyone... just when you think you're not... often, you still are. One of the hardest lessons is to see all before you as it is, not as you want, or assume, or judge it to be. We never know what can come as a suprise, we can never know what lies underneath rough surfaces, firm voices, tattered exteriors. Sometimes that which glitters is not gold... and sometimes great lessons lie where they are least expected.
Always keep an open mind~

~Okay... let's throw out the whole "what goes out from you comes back to you" mantra for just a second. While I do believe that to some extent... when it comes to having an attitude of putting goodness forth... why should we do so because we expect it to come back? Is it not enough to simply help others and shine light simply because you can, and because it feels good to do so? Isn't the true gift in the giving? Does it not feel great, make you feel... just... LIGHTER... knowing you have done a worthy deed, or helped another, just because? If such endeavors only strike you due to the expectation that some day some way it will be returned, I truly do believe the ego is in the way, and the heart is in the wrong place.
There is nothing in life to fear... except your TRUE intentions... check yourself often, and make sure they are pure~

~To find oneself and to know oneself. Does one need to retreat to a mountain sanctuary, a far and foreign land to find their truth? Is truth somewhere out there, and not here? Some seem to physically travel so far before they can realize what some are able to simply look within, and see... that you have everything you could ever need inside of you... that you are constantly experiencing everything necessary to be who you are meant to be~

~I can show you proper form, but I can't make you YEARN to use it... I can tell you what certain foods will do, and won't do for you, but I can't give you the HUNGER to be physically better than what you are... I can teach you progression after progression, but I can't give you the PASSION that will keep you climbing...
That which truly allows one to succeed, is that which no one outside of you can provide. Look within... What drives you? What would you get up in the middle of the night for because you love it that much? What are you only half a person without? Learn to love your BODY the way you love your greatest passions.... COME ALIVE from the inside, and let it spread to the OUTSIDE... and then you will discover what it feels like to really LIVE~

~What better pursuit is there than to endeavor every day to leave each part of the world you touch better off than when you found it~

~Some just speak, some just do... some speak and do, with varying emphasis of each... sometimes we reach one by speaking... but we ALWAYS teach one by our DOING, and so having them also DO...
Many of the most poignant of lessons are imparted without a single word being spoken...